Sunday, October 30, 2016

PLAN Canada

PLAN Canada is an amazing charity that helps under-resourced areas build capacity in ways identified by the areas being supported. They do more than child sponsorship (which is, though connecting individuals for communication, not designating funds specific to the child, but to their community,) and are the only charity of its type in Canada that does not have a religious missionary bent.
PLAN Canada is involved in crisis response as well as on-going projects. They have many opportunities through their Gifts of Hope program for donors funds to be matched by anonymous supporters (some of you will have received Gifts of Hope from our family at times in the past.)
It is a charity that does amazing, strength-building, capacity-building work and has a major section of it's work dedicated to increasing support for women and girls.
I love PLAN Canada. Please consider a donation to them through the link on the blog sidebar or on their webpage, where you can choose a specific campaign, a Gift of Hope, or make a general donation.

All about PLAN Canada, including the Because I Am a Girl campaign.

Please donate.

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